Transactions with Wallets 👝

Leap Cosmos Wallet

We can use a wallet application to generate transactions and send them to the blockchain. In this example, we will use Leap Cosmos Wallet, which is a wallet application for Cosmos SDK-based blockchains, to create and send a BankSend transaction to Cradle. You can also use other wallets of your choice that support custom endpoints.

Install Leap Cosmos Wallet browser extension

Import your wallet

Refer to the official documentation of Leap Cosmos Wallet for instructions on how to create or import a wallet.

Change the RPC endpoint

Since the wallet's provided endpoint is for the mainnet, we need to change it to Cradle's endpoint. Cradle's endpoint can be found on Newmetric's Cradle app, under Cradle > Sessions > YOUR ACTIVE SESSION.
Click the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner of the extension, select the Custom Endpoints menu, and the screen shown below will appear.

Leap Wallet Custom Endpoints

Change both RPC and LCD to Cradle's endpoint.

Send tokens

Use the Send feature in the wallet to send tokens to the desired wallet.

Leap Wallet Send

Until a block has been proposed using Propose Block on the Cradle app, the screen will look like the one below.

Leap Wallet Sending

Now, let's go back to the Cradle app and create a block.

Propose Block

If you sent the transaction successfully, you should see the transaction in the Mempool section. Next step is to propose the block. You can do so by clicking on "Propose Block" button in the Propose Block section.

The proposed block will include all the transactions in the mempool, and the next blockchain state will be computed based on the transactions.

The result of the transaction will be shown in the Transaction tab.

Check the result at Wallet

Once the block is successfully generated, you can check the result of the transaction in your wallet.

Leap Wallet Received

Check your wallet balance to see if the transaction was successful 🙌